Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

SVP Assignment - Final Team

SVP Assignment - Final Team

Q For your final project, you and your group will submit your report on how business models in your sector have evolved over the past two decades, and where they might be going in the future. You will also talk about how technology has enabled innovative business models to experience explosive growth in your sector. The written report is worth 225 points. Your written report will cover the sector your group identified earlier in the course. The report should cover how enabling technologies and business models have evolved in your sector over the past 20 years and what the leading business models are today. The bulk of the report should focus on the future. What might be possible in your sector 20 years from now? What enabling technologies are necessary for these newly disruptive business models to take hold? What could shorten this horizon to, say, five years? Comment on what you see happening over the next five years based on the companies you researched in Module 2's VC Portfolio Analysis. What Silicon Valley VCs and entrepreneurs are doing today gives and excellent window into what the next five years might look like in your sector. Looking out 20 years requires "peeking over the horizon" with your imagination based on technology trends. Finally, make sure to use our business model framework in your analysis. How will future customer relationships be structured? What value proposition will compel future customers? How can the future sector leaders capture some of that value? Can you find inspiration from outside of your specific vertical? Think about the value, pricing, and cost innovations that are changing other major sectors—how might they apply to your sector in the future? This is your group's opportunity to share and showcase all of your creativity and research above and beyond the summary presentation. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb while speculating about the future! If you are wondering where my expectations fall—they are somewhere beyond audacious but short of harebrained (look up these definitions if needed). You are allowed, but not required, to include multimedia content.

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